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˜Theœ changing leadership roles of Dedes in the Alevi movement ethnographic studies on Alevi associations in Turkey and Germany from the 1990s to the present

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˜Theœ changing leadership roles of Dedes in the Alevi movement

ethnographic studies on Alevi associations in Turkey and Germany from the 1990s to the present

Verfasser: Coşan Eke, Deniz
Erscheinungsort: Bielefeld
Verlag: transcript Verlag
Erscheinungsjahr: [2021]
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (288 Seiten)
ISBN: 9783839459577
Thema: Türkei / Deutschland / Aleviten / Glaubensgemeinschaft / Transnationalisierung / Klerus / Soziale Rolle / Führung / Geschichte 1990-2020
Thema: Türkei / Deutschland / Aleviten / Religiöse Gemeinschaft / Religiöse Führerin / Migration

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Titel: ˜Theœ changing leadership roles of Dedes in the Alevi movement
Untertitel: ethnographic studies on Alevi associations in Turkey and Germany from the 1990s to the present
Von: Deniz Coşan Eke
Verfasser: Coşan Eke, Deniz  
Erscheinungsort: Bielefeld
Verlag: transcript Verlag
Erscheinungsjahr: [2021]
Hochschulschrift: Dissertation Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München 2019
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (288 Seiten)
Details: Illustrationen, Karte
Reihe: Culture and social practice
ISBN: 9783839459577
Abstract: What is the function of clerical leadership in Alevism based on sociocultural and political understandings? To answer that complex question, Deniz Cosan Eke examines the political, cultural, and religious debates surrounding Alevis and the Alevi movement in relation to the ideas and claims of the Turkish state, Alevi communities in Turkey, and migrant Alevi communities in Germany. The book, which focuses on the emergence of collective emotions in religious rituals, the struggle of religious groups in migration processes, and the leadership role of clergy in social movements, is of great interest to a wide readership
Volltext E-Book: https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/book/10.5555/9783839459577
Thema: Türkei ; Deutschland ; Aleviten ; Glaubensgemeinschaft ; Transnationalisierung ; Klerus ; Soziale Rolle ; Führung ; Geschichte 1990-2020
Türkei ; Deutschland ; Aleviten ; Religiöse Gemeinschaft ; Religiöse Führerin ; Migration
Angaben zum Inhalt: Hochschulschrift
Volltext : https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/book/10.5555/9783839459577
ISBN and. Ausg.: 978-3-8376-5957-3
B3Kat-ID: BV048359355
Aufnahme am: 14.07.2022
Änderung am: 11.01.2024